Lists and Collections American English French Swiss Other Bottom
- Lists and Collections
- USA, American Street Clock Makers by Donn Haven Lathrop
- USA, American Tower Clock Makers by Donn Haven Lathrop
- Clock and Watch-makers of the Isle of Man 1785 - 1850
- USA, Clockmakers, Watchmakers, and Casemakers of the State of Maine by Donn Haven Lathrop
- Famous Clock- and Watchmakers by Roland Buser at Watch-Collector's Paradise [most included below]
- Women Clockmakers, Watchmakers, and Casemakers of Europe, America, & Canada 1350-1950 by Donn Haven Lathrop
- American
- Abbott, Samuel, 1791-1861, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Adams, Nathan, 1755-1825, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Almy, James, 1802-1872, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Aspinwall, Samuel, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Babbitt, Charles, 1786-1854, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Badlam, Stephen, 1751-1815, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Bagnell, Benjamin, 1689-1773, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Bailey, Calvin, 1782-1835, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Bailey II, John, 1751-1823, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Bailey III, John, 1787-1883, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Bailey, Lebbeus, 1763-1827, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Bailey, Phinehaus J, 1787-1861, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Baird, Edward Payson, 1860-1929, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Baker, Eleazer, 1764-1848, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Balch, Daniel, 1734-1790, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Baldwin, Jedidiah, 1768-1849, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Banneker, Benjamin, 1731-1806, by Nick Greene
- Banneker, Benjamin, 1731-1806, from Famous Black Inventors
- Batchelder, Ezra, 1769-1858, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Bentley, Eli, 1752-1822, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Bernhard, Louis, 1839-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Billings, Jonathan, 1777-1841, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Bingham, Belding Dart, 1812-1878, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Bingham, Flavel, 1781-1804, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Blasdel, David, 1712-1756, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Boardman, Chauncey, 1789-1857, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Boyd, John, 1805-1867, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Brackett, Oliver, 1800-1869, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Brant, Adam, ?-1804, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Brown, Gawen, 1719-1801, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Brown, Jonathan Clarky, 1807-1872, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Burnap, Daniel, 1759-1838, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Burnham, Enoch, ?-1849?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Caldwell, James Emmett, ?-1881, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Carpenter, 1747-1804, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Cary, James, 1790-1865, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Cary, Eleazar, 1769-1820, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Chadwick, Joseph, 1787-1868, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Chandler, Abiel, 1807-1881, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Chandler, Timothy, 1762-1848, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Cheney, Asahel, 1767?-1819, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Cheney, Benjamin, 1725-1815, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Cheney, Martin, 1778-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Cheney, Timothy, 1731-1795, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Child(s), John, 1789-1876, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Coggeshall, George, 1786-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Cole, James Charles, 1791-1867, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Collins, James, 1801-1882, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Conlon, James E, 1880-1948, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Crane, William, 1749-1820, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Crawford, William, 1745-1833, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Crow, George, ?-1762, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Crow, Thomas, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Cummens, William, 1768-1834, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Currier, Edmund, 1793-1853, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Curtis, Lemuel, 1790-1857, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Davies, Henry J, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Denison, Amos, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Dodge, Nehemiah, 1774-1843, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Dodge, Seril, 1759-1820, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Dominy, Nathaniel, 1737-1812, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Doolittle, Isaac, 1721-1800, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Doull, James, 1785-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Downs, Ephraim, 1787-1860, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Dudley, Plimmon Henry, 1843-1924, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Dunning, Joseph N, 1795-1841, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Durfee, Walter, 1857-1939, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Dutton, David, 1792-1882, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Dutton, William, 1720-1794, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Eastman, Joseph H, 1843-1931, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Eastman, Joseph Henry, 1843-1931, from the Chelsea Clock Museum
- Eaton, Isaiah, 1757-1847, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Edson, Jonah, 1792-1874, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Edwards, John, 1787-1825, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Edwards Jr, Nathaniel, 1770-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Edwards, Samuel, 1787-1853, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Ellery, Epes, 1780-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Ellicott II, John, 1706?-1733, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Elsnorth, Reuben, 1736-1785, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Elsnorth, Reuben, 1736-1785, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Elvins, William, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Embree, Effingham, 1759-1817, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Emory, Jesse, 1759-1838, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Fellows, Jeremiah, 1749-1837, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Fitch, Jabez, 1748-1789, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Fitch, Jonas, 1740-1808, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Fitz, William, 1770-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Foss, John, 1732-1819, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Foster, Samuel, 1795?-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- French, Lemuel, ?-1809, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Gains, John, 1775-1853, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Gale, Daniel Jackson, 1830-1901, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Gere, Isaac, 1771-1812, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Gerrish, Oliver, 1796-1888, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Gift Jr, Peter, 1780-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Gilman, Benjamin Clark, 1763-1835, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Goddard, Luther, 1762-1842, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Goddard, Nichols, 1773-1823, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Goold, Abijah, 1777-1848, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Gooding, Alanson, 1789-1877, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Gooding, Joseph, 1773-1853, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Gooding, Josiah, 1777-1867, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Goodwin, Wallace, 1811-1861, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Grant, William, 1800-1836, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Griffen, Henry, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Guilmet, André Romain, 1827-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Hadlock, William, 1845-1915, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Hale II, Nathan, 1771-1849, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Hall, Ivory, 1795-1880, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Ham Jr, Henry H, 1842-1914, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Hamlen, Nathaniel, 1741-1834, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Hanks, Benjamin, 1755-1824, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Hanson, William, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Harland, Thomas, 1735-1807, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Hasham, Stephen, 1764-1861, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Hatch, George, 1816-1879, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Hazeltine, Nathaniel, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Hickcox, Samuel, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Hill, Joakim, 1783-1869, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Hoadley, Silas, 1786-1870, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Hodges, Erastus, 1781-1847, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Holway, Philip, 1805-1864, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Hostetter, Jacob, 1754-1831
- Hostetter, Jacob, 1754-1831, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Howard, David, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Hoyt, Freeman, 1805-1869, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Huntington, Alfred, 1805-1872, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Hutchins, Abel, 1763-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Hutchins, Levi, 1761-1855, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Hutchinson, Thomas, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Ingraham, Elias, 1805-1885, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Ingraham, Reuben, 1743-1811, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Ives, Joseph, 1782-1862, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Janzsen, Anthony, 1730-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Jerome, Chauncey, 1793-1868, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Jones, George A, 1825-1881, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Jones, Jacob, 1749-1839, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Joyce, Thomas, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Kelley, Allen, 1791-1876, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Kelley, Ezra, 1798-1895, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Kennard, John, 1782-1861, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Keplinger, Samuel, 1770-1849, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Killiam, George Roland Smith, 1874-1939, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Kimball, Jacob Sawyer, 1779-1827, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Lane, Mark, 1784-1832, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Leverly, George, 1749-1796, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Lewis, Benjamin B, 1818-1890, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Lindauer, Joseph, 1835-1897, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Lockwood, H N, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Lord, Benjamin, 1770-1843, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Loring, Joseph, 1768-1846, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Lowndes, Jonathan, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- MacKay, Crafts, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Manross, Elisha, 1792-1856, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Martin, Samuel, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- McNeish Sr, John, 1777-1846, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Mead, Benjamin, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Merriman, Silas, 1734-1805, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Miller, Cornelius, ?-1779, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Millerd, Squire, 1749?-1820, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Miner, Richardson, 1736-1797, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Morrill, Benjamin, 1794-1857, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Morris, Benjamin, 1748-1833, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Morse, Jacob, 1751-1819, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Moulton, Edward S, 1778-1855, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Mullekin, Jonathan, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Mullekin, Joseph, 1765-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Mullekin I, Nathaniel, 1722-1767, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Mullekin II, Nathaniel, 1752-1776, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Mullekin I, Samuel, 1722-1777, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Mullekin II, Samuel, 1765-1847, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Munger, Asa, 1777-1851, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Munroe Jr, Daniel, 1775-1859, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Munroe, Nathaniel, 1777-1861, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Munroe, William, 1778-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Munson, Russel Dean, 1809-1872, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Noble, Philander, 1772-1845, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Nolen, Spencer, 1784-1849, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Norrie, David, ?-1801, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- North, Norris, 1790-1875, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Noyes, Leonard W, 1779-1867, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Nutter, Enoch H, 1801-1880, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Osgood, John, 1770-1840, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Osgood Jr, Samuel, 1762-1841, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Owen, Griffith, 1759-1820, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Oyster, Daniel, 1766-1845, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Parker, Gardner, 1772-1816, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Parsons, Silas, 1773-1859, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Pearsall, Thomas, 1744-1825, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Pease, Isaac T, 1809-1889, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Perkins, Robinson, 1766-1847, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Perkins, Whittier, 1764-1813, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Perrigo Jr, James, 1771-1834, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Perrigo Sr, James, 1737-1808, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Pitkin, Levi, 1774-1854, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Polsey, John, 1816-1873, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Pond, John, 1787-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Pope, John, 1748-1826, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Pope, Robert, 1754-1793, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Porter, Daniel, 1755-1809, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Post, Jordan, 1767-1845, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Pringle, Adam, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Randall, Isaac, 1795-1863, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Ranlet, Noah, 1777-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Ranlet, Samuel, 1780-1860, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Rice, Joseph, 1761-1808, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Rockwell, Samuel, 1722-1773, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Rogers, Abner, 1777-1809, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Rodgers, James, 1801-1878, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Rogers, John, ?-1815, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Rogers, Paul, 1752-1818, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Rogers, Samuel, 1766-1838, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Roulstone, John, 1740-1803, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Sargeant, Jacob, 1761-1843, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Sargent, Ebenezer, 1717-1797, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Sawin, John, 1799-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Seward, Joshua, 1809-1885, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Shepherd, Nathaniel, 1795-1882, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Sherwin, William, 1787-1877, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Shipman, Nathaniel, 1764-1853, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Sibley, Asa, 1764-1829, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Sibley, Stephen, 1759-1829, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Smith, Charles Alvah, 1866-1946, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Smith, Luther, 1767-1839, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Snelling, John, 1782?-1828, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Solliday, Samuel, 1804-1845, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Sommer, Francis, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Spalding, Edward, 1732-1785, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Stennes, Elmer, 1911-1975, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Stillman, Barton, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Stillman, William, 1767-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Storrs, Nathan, 1768-1839, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Stowell Jr, Abel, 1789-1860, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Stowell Sr, Abel, 1752-1818, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Studley, David, 1783-1873, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Swan, Benjamin, 1792-1867, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Taber, Elnathan, 1768-1854, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Taber, Stephen, 1777-1862, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Talbot, Sylvester Wheaton, 1799-1847, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Terry, Eli, 1772-1852, from New England Historical Society
- Terry, Henry, 1801-1877, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Terry, Silas B, 1807-1876, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Thomas, Seth, 1785-1859, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Thompson, William, ?-1800, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Tift, Horace, 1804-1886, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Timby, Theodore Ruggles, 1822-1909, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Titcomb, Enoch Js, 1812-1887, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Tower, Reuben, 1795-1881, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Townsend, Charles, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Tracy, Erastus, 1768-1796, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Turner, Ansel, 1787-1814, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Wheaten, Caleb, 1757-1827, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Whitcomb, Asaph, 1778-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Whitcomb, Cyrus, 1809-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- White, Job, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- White Jr, John, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- White, Peregrine, 1747-1834, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Whitear, Benjamin, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Whitear, John, ?-1862, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Whiting, Riley, 1785-1835, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Whiton, Elijah, 1799-1871, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Wight, Oliver, 1765-1837, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Wilder, Charles, ?-1900, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Wilder, Joshua, 1786-1860, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Willard, Aaron, 1757-1844, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Willard Jr, Aaron, 1783-1864, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Willard, Alexander, 1744-1850, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Willard, Benjamin, 1743-1803, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Willard, Ephraim, 1755-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Willard, Philander Jacob, 1772-1840, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Willard, Simon, 1753-1848, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Willard Jr, Simon, 1795-1874, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Williams, David, 1769-1823, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Wing, Moses, 1760-1809, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Wingate, Frederick, 1782-1864, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Wingate, Paine, 1767-1833, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Winslow, Jonathan, 1765-1847, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Wood, David, 1766-1855, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Wood Sr, John, ?-1760, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Wood, Josiah, 1774-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Young, David, 1746-1836, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- English
- Arnold, John, 1736-1799, from The Clock Work Shop
- Arnold, John, 1736-1799, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Aylward, John, 1660s-1707, by Brian Loomes
- Banger, Edward, from The Clock Work Shop
- Barlow, Rev. Edward, 1636-1719, from The Clock Work Shop
- Bradley, Langley, 1663-1748, from The Clock Work Shop
- Cole, James Ferguson, 1799-1880, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Dennis, John, 1633-1672, by Brian Loomes
- Dent, Edward John, 1790-1853, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Earnshaw, Thomas, 1749-1829, from The Clock Work Shop
- Earnshaw, Thomas, 1749-1829, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- East, Edward, 1602-1697, from The Clock Work Shop
- Ellicot, John, 1706-1772, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Emery, Josiah, Switzerland and England, 1725-1797, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Ferguson, James, UK, 1710-1776, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Frodsham, Charles, 1810-1871, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Frodsham, William, 1778-1850, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Fromanteel Family, from The Clock Work Shop
- Graham, George, 1673-1751, from The Clock Work Shop
- Graham, George, 1673-1751, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Guy, Peter, 1701-1741, by Brian Loomes
- Harrison, John, 1693-1776, from The Clock Work Shop
- Harrison, John, 1693-1776, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Hookle, Dr. Robert, 1635-1703, from The Clock Work Shop
- Hooke, Robert, 1635-1703, by J J O'Connor and E F Robertson
- Jackson, William, 1673-1768, by Brian Loomes
- Lee, John, 1689-1724, by Brian Loomes
- Knibb, Joseph, 1640-1711, from The Clock Work Shop
- Lindsay, John, 1677-1738, by Brian Loomes
- Moore, Thomas, 1712-1762, by Brian Loomes
- Mudge, Thomas, 1715-1794, from The Clock Work Shop
- Mudge, Thomas, 1715-1794, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Norton, Eardley, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Ogden Family, by Brian Loomes
- Potter, Baldwin, 1660-1733, by Brian Loomes
- Quare, Daniel, 1649-1724, from The Clock Work Shop
- Quare, Daniel, 1649-1724, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Raynes, William, 1638-1695, Part 1, by Brian Loomes
- Raynes, William, 1638-1695, Part 2, by Brian Loomes
- Risbridger, John, 1682-1735, by Brian Loomes
- Rundell, Edward, 1671-1738/39, by Brian Loomes
- Snashall, William, 1626-1666, by Brian Loomes
- Stafford, Lawrence, 1625?-, by Brian Loomes
- Tompion, Thomas, 1639-1713 , from The Clock Work Shop
- Tompion, Thomas, 1639-1713, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Vulliamy Family, from The Clock Work Shop
- Wagstaffe, Thomas, UK, 1724-1802, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- Webster, Henry, 1660-1697, by Brian Loomes
- Wilkins, John, 1639-1721, by Brian Loomes
- French
- Berthoud, Ferdinand, Switzerland and France, 1729-1807, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Caron, Pierre A., 1732-1799, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Foucault, Jean Nernard Léon, 1819-1868, by J J O'Connor and E F Robertson
- Guilmet, André Romain, 1827-?, from Delaney Antique Clocks
- LePaute, Jean Andre, 1720-1789, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Lépine, Jean Antoine, 1720-1814, by David Boettcher
- Lepine, Jean-Antoine, 1720-1814, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- LeRoy, Julien, 1686-1759, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- LeRoy, Pierre, 1717-1785, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Moinet, Louis, 1758-1853, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Winnerl, Joseph, 1799-1886, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Swiss
- Audemars, Louis Benjamin, 1782-1833, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Berthoud, Ferdinand, Switzerland and France, 1729-1807, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Brequet, Abraham Louis, Switzerland and France, 1747-1823, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Bürgi, Jost, 1552-1632, by J V Field
- Emery, Josiah, Switzerland and England, 1725-1797, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Grandjean, Henry, 1774-1845, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Houriet, Jacques Frederic, 1743-1830, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Ingold, Pierre Frederic, 1787-1878, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Ingold, Pierre Frédéric, 1787-1878, translated by Richard Watkins, Adobe Acrobat 255KB
- Jaquet-Droz, Henry Louis, 1752-1791, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Jaquet-Droz, Pierre, 1721-1790, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Léchaud, Antoine, 1812-1875, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Leschot, Georg Auguste, 1800-1884, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Leschot, Jean Frederic, 1746-1824, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Mairet, Sylvain (Jean), 1805-1890, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Nardin, Ulysse, 1823-1876, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Perrelet, Abraham Louis, 1639-1713, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Pouzait, Jean Moise, 1743-1793, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Romilly, Jean, 1714-1794, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Roskopf, Georg Frédéric, 1813-1889, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Tavan, Antoine, 1749-1836, from Watch-Collector's Paradise
- Other
- Dutch
- Huygens, Christiaan, The Netherlands, 1629-1695, from The University of St Andrews, Scotland
- Italian
- Galileo Galilei, Italy, 1564-1642, by J J O'Connor and E F Robertson
Lists and Collections American English French Swiss Other Top